There Are No Simple Thank-Yous

There Are No Simple Thank-Yous If I could tell you thank-you: With words, just fabulous. Not so simple, but with scolar; Worth thousands of dollars. I would talk to you all day; Give thanks in an unusaul way. Genuine, with my heart in line; Because you have been so kind. Thank-you, Thank-you, it's true; My heart is thinking of you; And ev'ry'thing thing you've done; Not just for me but ev'ry one. Though my words are mostly simple; My love for you is more than real; I just want to let you know; Just how you've made me feel. There Are No Simple Thank-Yous; When The Thanks belongs To you; It's Hard To Do Them Justice' Because I'm Inlove With you. A Love Thank-You...Sweetest Day Susan Y, Nikitenko October 15th, 2016