Did I Meet My Goal For Today? Well, I didn't meet the goal of having this Valentine Afghan finished today. I will have it done "Lord Willing" this coming Monday. I've been working on this Afghan since February 1st, 2020. I put a big pink button on 6 hearts. I was able to sew on 2 of the hearts. My plans changed for today but I will continue to post on this page as I complete this project. Multi-Purpose Valentines Blanket or Breast Cancer Awareness I finished sewing on the hearts This morning. With a size P needle, I chained 26 and tied a bow around the buttons. I'm doing all 6 that way. It is cushy, comfy, happy and heavy. Please look at the past three posts. To see about this afghan. Follow Here: Making The Loop Fringe Making The Hearts The Finished Afghan - Info On Next Post Hide any strings by weaving them into your work. Susan Y Nikitenko